If you have any questions or enquiries please feel free to contact us on the details provided below or alternatively you can complete our online enquiry form also located below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
0417 442 333
1592 Murrumbateman Rd
Gundaroo NSW 2620
I love, love, LOVE these waxes! Artisan Finishing waxes are all Australian made and are all natural. They have been perfected by generations of master craftsmen to both nourish timbers and also provide the perfect protective sheen to painted pieces. Combining all natural beeswax and carnauba, Artisan Finishing Waxes go on easily and buff beautifully with no stickiness, streakiness, excessive buffing or nasty fumes. They smell divine and buff to a lovely soft sheen or can be layered to build up a higher gloss. The black wax and antique waxes are lovely and subtle, taking away all the fear of using dark waxes! Available in clear, black, antique and white you are sure to get the finish you are after. If you have fallen out of love with waxing furniture - try Artisan Finishing Wax. I guarantee that you will fall in love with Artisan!
New to the Artisan family of waxes is Easy Wax! The perfect sealer for wax lovers who dont like to buff... simply wipe on and let dry- job done! No buffing, no waxy build up and no sticky residue. How easy is that !!!