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If you have any questions or enquiries please feel free to contact us on the details provided below or alternatively you can complete our online enquiry form also located below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



0417 442 333 





1592 Murrumbateman Rd

Gundaroo NSW 2620






Online Enquiry

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Mineral Paint Workshops

You've heard all about Mineral Paint and want to know why it is so different!  Like Chalk style paints, Artisan Mineral Paint is a purpose built furniture paint, however unlike chalk paints it does not require a sealer!  So you prep, prime, paint and you are done.  For this works shop we will be painting a take home project in mineral paint, then adding stencils/transfers or decoupage.  Join us for a fun morning creating!  All materials, and morning tea supplied.

The workshop will run from 9-12.30